Bump Dot Net For the People


A .NET primer for Mac users


Stanton Final Scratch looks like the next killer app in the DJ game.


This Apple Article talks about audio software and hardware that was announced for Mac OS X. It’s a pretty solid list of players, which makes me quite happy, even as a hobbyist.


It’s raining here again. Of course, it was seventy degrees here today, so I don’t have too much room for complaints. It does seem, however, that the rain is conspiring against my getting any yard work done around the house. Not that this place doesn’t have plenty of stuff that needs to be done inside. I am very much in need of stuff to hang on the walls in most of my house. I have apartment quality wall hangings that I want to phase out, and so I haven’t hung any of them. I did hang some of my animation cels. (I have a particularly good Scooby Doo and Shaggy cel with the actual production background.) These, however, give the house a certain childish vibe that I do not want to foster. Patience, I guess, is a virtue.


One CD that I missed out on somehow until this week is the new one from Sigur Rós. I would say that they are in the same musical family as Radiohead, but from the Icelandic branch of the family. It certainly evokes emotion as well as Radiohead does for me.


I have to agree with Mr. Barrett, who I am lifting this link from, but whose site you should be reading every day anyway. Macintosh Tech Tips has some really solid information and tips for the Mac OS X user.


The Unofficial Green Lantern Corps Web Page They have a listing of all known Green Lantern’s and their appearance history on this site. Talk about doing a thorough job at something that is very labor intensive. I don’t talk about comics much here because I haven’t bought a book in probably three years, but I have an extensive comic book collection, much of which I obtained while working at a comic shop.


One of the more popular records here in “The ATL” over the last few months has been PREFUSE73. I absolutely love it. Take regular DJ induced jazz drenched hip hop beats and throw them in a blender, and you have this group.


The Register: Antitrust legal beagles suing MS and DoJ I’m guessing that eventually, even people out of the loop are getting this picture. This settlement is not good for our Industry, for consumers, and was not come to in a proper legal manner based on all of the suits that are being brought as a result of it.


Stress makes me tired.


I can’t get a fix for this upstreaming problem soon enough. (not a complaint mind you, I know how hard this stuff really is.) just another publishing attempt:-)


Trying to update Radio Bump with one of Beowulf’s new themes. Assuming you are at “regular” Bump, go check it out.


McSweeney’s Internet Tendency: On the Implausibility of the Death Star’s Trash Compactor (Via Pigs and Fishes)


Okay, I admit it, I’m really stressed out today.


‘Mac OS X Unleashed’ book available I picked up a copy of this book this afternoon. It looks very good, the best book I’ve seen so far in terms of its coverage of the BSD stuff underneath Mac OS X.


Computer News: Putting the Mac in Macromedia This is sort of an update, with some excuses, for why Macromedia hasn’t delivered their apps on Mac OS X. As someone who has used their software for years, and almost always on the Mac, I think we should be a little insulted that they spurned developing apps for our platform for several months while they were working on their Windows XP compatible products. No wonder they lost so much money this quarter.


I’m working on a short term freelance project with a friend of mine, so my updates might be sparser than normal. It’s sort of a neat device we are doing QA on, but I , of course, am not allowed to talk about that here.


NY Times: Amazon Surprises Wall St. With First Quarterly Profit This is fantastic news.


TechTV | Set Up a Macintosh Music System


This is the first phone I’ve seen in a while that made me want to go out and buy a new cellphone.


Propellerhead Announces OS X Support This is great news for those of us that noodle around with music creation. I have been constrained to using the Classic Mac OS when trying out music stuff, but with apps like these finally coming, things are beginnning to turn that corner. Now if they would just get Photoshop and Flash out the door……


Bugzilla: Mac OS X Installation Notes


The Royal Tenenbaums was the funniest movie released in 2001. Somehow I forgot to mention that fact here. I thought it was brilliant and hilarious.


Radio UserLand : RadioExpress (now Mac OS X compatible)


Enjoying the rainy day.