Bump Dot Net For the People


I’ve been spending most of my computer time this weekend playing with Radio.


Radio UserLand 8 has shipped. It’s available for Windows, Classic Mac OS and Mac OS X. You owe it to yourself to check it out.


After getting laid off in October, I have spent the ensuing months getting my act together and evaluating my life. I also spent a real lot of time with my family, and a smaller amount of time fighting with my previous employer over my severance and accrued vacation. (That matter is now in the hands of the courts.) I’m turning a corner now though, ready to return to the working world, ready for the structure of work. Next week I will begin my job search.


A List Apart: CMS & the Single Web Designer


Radio UserLand for Webloggers


The next generation TiVo seems pretty uninspired to me. I suspect that the game consoles are going to be what wins this whole digital media center battle. I bought an Xbox a couple fo weeks ago, and it is only like three steps away from having the features that the TiVo has. It has the necessary hardware now. Having said that, I remain skeptical of the whole media center idea. Unlike a better PDA, I do not find myself waiting with expectation for this stuff.


I honestly don’t have much to say about the MacWorld keynote stuff. I like the way the new iMac looks, but I have ceased to use desktop computers for the most part. Laptops are more useful. iPhoto, I downloaded and checked it out, it’s really neat to have the easy output options for my digital photos. I’m much more interested in the progression of Mac OS X and digging into it. I’m on it full time now, and I have abandoned all of my classic apps for the time being. The release of the Palm Desktop beta brings me to a point where I am only waiting on Photoshop/Fireworks/Flash. Also, I still love my iPod.


Radio UserLand : Radio and Mac OS X (shipping tomorrow?)


Good news, my DSL modem shipped!! Finally, I mean really finally, I will get back to a normal update schedule. I do not recommend Earthlink DSL, I had nothing but problems with them. I ordered the service in August, and they shipped the modem today, you do the math.


Apple: NIN DVD


Palm Be Apple / Could a triple merger be in the works? Yet another article speculating about a merger that I doubt will ever happen. I think that the value of Palm is rapidly becoming marginalized by PocketPC and other technology. It is far more likely that Apple would develop their own PDA tech than merge with Palm. Lest we forget, there are egos involved on both sides of this idea. Finally, I wish journalists would deliver some value and facts to indicate something like this rather than pure speculation.


Spymac has images and videos of Apple’s iWalk PDA that they are claiming will be released at MacWorld. It looks convincing enough to check out.


hit-or-miss.org : Matt’s TiVo There’s some stuff here to dig through. (via kottke.org)


Ars Technica: Wizardry 8 Jeez, it has come a long way since I was playing it on my Mac SE/20


Seems like just about everything in Atlanta is closed or opening late today. It’s actually still snowing here too. This city is just not really used to snow, because this amount wouldn’t close anything in Albany, New York where I lived previously. My backyard looks very cute with everything covered in snow.


Zingg! for Mac OS X adds an “open with” contextual menu to allow you to choose what app you open a file with. Really useful stuff for freeware.


Macworld Interview with Trent from Nine Inch Nails.


You might want to read this if you are using grokster or Limewire.


It’s snowing here in Atlanta. More than it has since I’ve lived here. Happy New Year!


Walter Mossberg:
“Our government and courts shouldn’t try to destroy, or run, Microsoft. But they should require the software monopoly to expand consumer choice in its dominant operating system. Unfortunately, in 2001, that’s not what happened.”


The Lord of the Rings : The Fellowship Of The Ring. It was great. Worth seeing regardless of whether you have read the book/are a fan of the book. The scenery and effects were stellar. I also have very few issues with the way they handled the abridgement of the story to fit it into the three hours. I am quite tired now, but will either edit this post to add to it or add additional posts with new thoughts when I wake up this morning.


O’Reilly Network: Apache Web-Serving with Mac OS X: Part 2 Part 2 is where he gets to things that will be of more interest to Mac folks who might not be so familiar with Apache and the Command Line. If you don’t have a copy of Mac OS X in front of you to play with, you might wany yo hold off.


AdCritic.com is offline until further notice. Damn. This one was one of my regular stops.


Note to self: do more research on the support and repair policies of companies you buy equipment from. I bought a Nikon Coolpix 885 a month ago. Great camera, I was really enjoying it, especially the enhanced macro ability. This afternoon, it just decided that it wasn’t going to work anymore. It’s on strike or something. Well, I have Christmas with my family next week and a wedding to go to after that, so I need my camera. Nikon’s support policies dictate that there is no way for me to have a working camera by that time. Worse yet, they seem to have no sympathy to my plight whatsoever. I don’t care if they make the best camera on the planet that costs half what the other guys does, I’ve made my last purchase with them. A camera is no good to me if I can’t use it when it really counts.


I was planning on seeing The Lord of the Rings : The Fellowship Of The Ring this week at some point, but I was going to avoid the madness of seeing one of the midnight showings. This morning, however, I found myself surfing for tickets, and I will be going to see it at 12:01 am. Since the movie runs almost three hours long, that makes for a late night for Robert.