Bump Dot Net For the People


I have been using Mac OS X on my Mac laptop since August when it returned from its magical journey into the netherworld.(I really need to write up the whole saga of my hotel theft and how it ended up getting resolved.) Today, for the first time in ages, I booted the machine into Mac OS 9 to use a USB device that has no OS X drivers. Mac OS 9 now feels old fashioned to me. It’s slower, by far, on the same hardware. Things crash, something that just doesn’t happen to me on X. Networking is not really as robust or as fast. It’s interesting how accustomed to a new technology you can become in two plus months.


Ars Technica: The State of Transmeta. I think that it’s interesting, or at least worth noting, that there has been a shift in this industry due to the dominance of some key players in each market segment. Emerging companies, to some extent, can at best get the big players to take notice of what they are doing and get the big players to shift their strategy to encompass what the emerging company is doing. We heard so much about Transmeta, partly because of Linus Torvalds' involvement, and how it was going to cause innovation in the portable space. We saw Intel have to up their pace of innovation briefly in order to head this off. So, in effect, they did cause innovation in the portable space.


Let me be among the first to congratulate Arizona for their win against the Yankees tonight. Both teams played their hearts out during this series, and although I didn’t get the results I wanted, it was great baseball to watch as a fan. To the Yankees, you’ve been great for us the last five years, and no one even expected you to get by Oakland this year. You beat Oakland and Seattle, and played a great World Series, Thanks.


The song “Chop Suey” off of System of a Down’s newest cd is set on repeat in my kitchen right now. It’s got this really interesting vibe to it that, for some reason, reminds me of an opera.(mixed with some very heavy instruments)


As an aside about the below, boy was I yelled at by Hank once. He was doing two night’s worth of shows with the Beastie Boys at Roseland in New York. A friend hooked me up with backstage passes to both shows, and the first night, Ice Cube made an appearance with the opening band, whose name I can’t remember right now, but they were proteges of his somehow. While the Beasties were on stage that night, Hank was standing next to me watching the show. The Beasties were really kicking it, and I turned to Hank to say something about how great they were. Hank interrupted me saying, “Don’t talk to me, I watching the fucking show.” Then he walked away.


I AM 43% PUNK.
(via Dansays)


I’m speechless after tonight’s Yankee win. Two nights in a row? wow.


FINAL: Yankees 4, Diamondbacks 3. What a game. I can’t remember a game through this whole stretch since 1996 as a Yankees fan where I was more on the edge of my seat. Talk about character, talk about never giving up, talk about finding a way to get it done. Still a long three game series to go, but it would have been quite a different story without a win tonight.


Macworld: First Look: iPod I’ve kept my mouth shut while listening to other’s criticisms of this device. Let me say now, however, that I have owned a Creative Nomad Jukebox, and the differences are huge. The Nomad Jukebox eats batteries very quickly, and I got about two hours of playback at the most out of it. The interface on it for navigating music is sometimes maddening, other times barely usable. Finally, transferring music takes forever. Sure it has huge capacity, but it has all sorts of things wrong with it. I look forward to using something that tranfers the music more quickly, lasts longer, and has a better interface. (I had a RioVolt for a few weeks before it got stolen, and it had the same interface issue when there was a lot of music to navigate.)


D-backs go up 2-0 in series. What can you say? Randy Johnson was incredible tonight. Now it goes back to New York. We’ll see…


I spent five hours yesterday as part of a group of volunteers planting trees at Bessie Brahnam Park near my new house. Boy am I sore today. The Georgia clay we were planting into was severly compressed and seemed like rock at times.


Not much updating going on here the last few days. I’ve been doing a bunch of things, but mainly coming to grips with where I’m at in my life right now and trying to decide which way I want to go now. I’m sure this whole process is something that everyone who gets laid off goes through after their layoff. I’ll be more active here this week as I ramp myself back up and begin looking into both contract work and full time jobs. First things first though, a revamped resume is job one for the early part of this week.


Apple - iPod


Joe Torre: “To me, the NY on our caps means more than baseball this year.”


They are playing “New York, New York” in the Bronx right now because the Yankees are going to their fourth straight World Series. Looking back, three weeks ago, no one expected them to be here, but they came through. That’s character.


When did blogdex redesign? The summaries are very helpful.


Yankees win 3-1 by a walkoff home run. Man, great baseball by both teams tonight. On a separate note, I can’t believe how humble these players are. Think about this, they have basically dominated the sport of baseball for the last five years. I don’t hear any of them, not a one, making any claims about how great their team is. They basically let their playing do the talking. Some others seem to feel like they can assign any negative emotion they want to the Yankees, but I haven’t seen anything that resembles what he describes in the dugout or in print. I haven’t missed a game yet. Get a grip ya sore loser. The Yankees have character, more than you are giving them credit for.


Yankees edge Mariners to take 2-0 ALCS lead. Works for me. Don’t believe the media’s attempts to now convince you that this series is all but over. The Mariners are a strong franchise, just like the Yankees, with character. It won’t be over until the last out.


ESPN.com has become “msn.espn.go.com” over the years. What’s next? “yahoo.msn.aol.cnn.time.espn.go.com”? Come on now people.


This article reports on some interesting developments in the whole title 9 debate that has raged seemingly forever. Seems that, by and large, the women who run these programs seem to not be very happy that men are invading their sport. If these women were men running, say men’s football programs at these schools, they would be looked down upon for trying to exclude an athlete based on their sex. I say to these people, you can’t have it both ways. You have to apply these rules equally, and if an athlete is better than another athlete, you must play them.


Brent’s really kicking butt over at mac.scripting.com. This is more interesting to me than it would have been a month ago. Mac OS x 10.1 has really brought me back over to the Mac platform full time. Still wishing for a few more apps though.


Yankees beat Mariners in Game One 4-2.. There is no doubt in my mind that this is going to be a great series. Two great teams with character. That’s something that the National League lacks these days. It’s certainly not that there aren’t players with character on the two National League clubs that remain, but just that it doesn’t seem like the teams themselves have character.


Mmmm cable. I haven’t had television for over a month. I mostly wanted to get it again now because of the baseball post-season. I was so happy that the Yankees won their first series against Oakland. Unlike many other Yankee fans these days it seems, I don’t take the post-season for granted. I was a Yankee fan through the very challenging eighties. Say what you will, there is no franchise in the history of organized sports that has a larger commitment to excellence than the Bronx Bombers. While other franchises may flirt with success, the Yanks have returned to the well over and over again. Now, in my opinion, that’s a philosphy. That’s one I’ve believed in for the twenty five years I have been a Yankee fan now, all my baseball life.


I’m waiting for AT&T Broadband to come and install cable. Conveniently, I didn’t have to take time off to wait due to my lack of a job. Needless to say, this whole waiting thing is getting a little old. I’m about two minutes away from the end of my “window”, and there is no sign of them yet. Of course, this is somewhat less frustrating than my current home Internet access situation. Bellsouth came out and turned my Earthlink DSL connection on over a month ago, but Earthlink has failed to deliver the equipment for that connection. So it sits there and I am constrained to a dialup connection. What in the world happened to customer service?


I have a winner in the contest. The answer was 33.