Why Compaq’s iPaq won’t dominate new Pocket PCs “The seeming domination of Compaq’s iPAQ over all things Pocket PC probably comes to an end this week.”
Salman Rushdie: Fighting the Forces of Invisibility. To be fair, I’ve seen this article linked on a variety of sites, but I think it’s important enough to point to it from here as well. I think this quote says it all: “To excuse such an atrocity by blaming U.S. government policies is to deny the basic idea of all morality: that individuals are responsible for their actions.”
tweaker is Nine Inch Nails founding member Chris Vrenna. Quirky and rewarding, in my opinion, the song with David Sylvian, which you can download, is really good.
They Might Be Giants new CD, Mink Car, delights as they always seem to. “You’re older than you’ve ever been, and now you’re even older.”
OS X 10.1 includes support for Java WebStart I noticed this last night, but wasn’t quite sure what it meant and if it was really something I would find interesting. Now, I think it is. This page has some interesting demos.
Easy Web Content Management with XMLcmNOW “XMLcmNOW is a content management system based on XML and XSLT technology.” (via dangerous meta)
Subversion Project Home Page “The goal of the Subversion project is to build a version control system that is a compelling replacement for CVS in the open source community.”
Conflict on the horizon. “…they were holding the Saudi-born millionaire and hiding him in secret for his own safety.” I’m having a hard time understanding the tactical position that the Taliban, and even Bin Laden himself, are taking here. It’s clear, despite the difficulty of waging a conventional land war in Afghanistan, that the deck is so completely stacked against them that there is only one way in which they can even stay in power. So, wouldn’t it be better to hand over this person, and maintain power in the country? I’m sure they could then talk the US into economic aid. It seems that, regardless of their current position, they are choosing to try and win this one very small battle rather than looking long term. Knowing this, there is only one explanantion that makes any sense, which is that Bin Laden is the one really running things there. By not having an official position in the government he manipulates our current system of world nation state relations and poses a sort of Catch 22 situation. From a PR perspective, it is necessary for our country to eliminate the confusion about his role in Afghanistan.
I have upgraded to Mac OS X 10.1 this morning. Real smooth, and many of the changes made were obviously based primarily on end user feedback. Many things that bothered me have been changed or enhanced in ways that make them more better. I like it when things are more better.
Weekends too short, repeat weekends too short.
Recently, perhaps as a result of the giant emotional upheaval that I, and the rest of our country have been through, I have a real visual focus kicking in. Perhaps also spurred by photographs over at exitwound and harrumph. I have a sudden urge to make beautiful interesting things that some might call inspiration.
Microsoft stands by IIS, despite Gartner recommendation “Microsoft says its Internet Information Server (IIS) is as secure as comparable products from other vendors.” Well, in that case, Microsoft lies. It’s not as secure.
U.S. official: Special forces in Afghan operations We have already been on the ground in Asia.
Bush urges religious tolerance. I am so happy that he is hammering this issue over and over because it is so important. I’ve got a longish write up about how I feel currently about what we have done so far and how I think we should be following up going forward with the rest of the world and inside the US. I’m hoping to have time to post it tonight. I’m quite tired, at the end of an 8 month project. Quite literally the end.
The Onion | 26 September 2001. I can’t believe some of the stuff they came up with. This is some really funny stuff right when I needed it, Thanks.
Rival Schools, a band formed out of the ashes of NYC bands like Quicksand, just released United by Fate, their debut CD. If you liked Quicksand, you’ll love this record. It is quickly becoming my favorite CD released this year. Like so many times in my life, I had a chance to see them a couple of weeks ago, but hadn’t heard them yet, and so didn’t know if I should go or not. I went to a dinner party and out afterwards instead. I am regretting not going to see them after the dinner party now.
Script Menu Oh yeah, baby, oh yeah.
AppleScript - Mac OS X v. 10.1 The Applescript Studio link doesn’t work yet.
Damien has been dealing with “a fairly nasty attack on my name, email adress, character, and domain”. This is worth a read.
Mac OS X 10.1 Installer Music “Sources running final build of the new OS say that that the new installer plays Viennese electronica/dance band Kruder and Dorfmeister’s “Sofa Rocker-Sofa Surfer” off their double album The K&D Sessions.”