Dave says, “The point behind that is that people are saying our strategy is stupid, and missing that our strategy might not be what you think it is. In other words, you might be the stupid one.”
I've been thinking along exactly these same lines. I hear people making all sorts of statements about what we are doing, how it is wrong, how we should be doing this or that instead. I hate to say this, but I find that it's mostly people in the pacifist camp making these sort of statements. We haven't done anything visible yet, which I think is very telling. I give this administration, which I disagree with on almost every domestic issue, all the credit in the world in this situation. Are you mad because they haven't released their proof about who is involved/culpable in the act? Well, do you really have enough information about the investigation and our strategy to be mad?
I read The Free Lunch by Spider Robinson on Saturday while waiting for the cable guy that never showed. A nice diversion from my current state of mind.
Oracle boss urges national ID cards, offers free software Every time I hear this idea, I see people whose political stances I normally agree with immediately and vehemently disagreeing. Maybe I do not understand something about this issue, but it seems to me that we already have a somewhat national id system in our driver’s licenses. Because these vary on a state to state basis, they are much more difficult to track on a national level. In many cases, including here in Georgia, fingerprint data is included in the existing ID. So what’s the big deal here? I think this idea provides additional security, and would not necessarily cause any issues for law abiding citizens. Please educate me as to why this is a bad idea.
Commentary: Another worm, more patches “Gartner recommends that businesses hit by both Code Red and Nimda immediately investigate alternatives to IIS, including moving Web applications to Web server software from other vendors such as iPlanet and Apache.”
Anguish for Vast Toll of Children Left Behind I’ve cried a couple of times since this whole awful situation came about, but this article really struck me where it counts. These kids will never be the same because of this, and there was nothing that they could do about it. Losing a parent is the single most life altering event that a child could possibly experience. It matters not whether they have adequate care from loving people, the kids will always be missing something. How uncompassionate are the people who would do such a thing, rob children of their parents? My anger does not fade, in fact it is enhanced with each day that goes by, with each heartbreaking story that I hear. I will not forget.
Apple - Mac OS X 10.1 “AppleScript also uses the Internet standard SOAP and XML protocols to enable communication across your network so you can send AppleScript events from one Mac OS X system to another.”
Windows Me has to be the worst operating system ever released. After weeks of rebooting my computer several times a day just trying to do basic work, I finally managed to damage some component of the start up/logon process. Now, I cannot log onto the machine as myself. During the same several week long time frame, I have also been using my Powerbook G4 every day. It has crashed twice. Of course, I can’t get database work done right now, which is what needs to get done. So I’m angry that Microsoft’s product, which I paid for like an idiot, is of substandard quality. The answer, of course, is to spend more money upgrading to Windows XP, throwing good money after bad. I wish we could demand that they improve the products we already have purchased so that they are usable before we buy a new version. I’m also angry that Microsoft’s Database Client Tools only work on their operating system platform. If it weren’t for that one simple app, I would be using the Mac full time. It’s a spin cycle of lock in.
Mixmaster Mike’s new dj compilation, spin psycle is the type of high quality stufff we have come to expect from him. For those unfamiliar with Mixmaster Mike, he has djed for the Beastie Boys for the last four years.
Powell battles Pentagon over terrorism strategy This just underlines for me, again, how complex an issue this situation is when looked at as a whole and taking into account the world’s economy.
Prepare for Casualties, Bush Says, While Asking Support of Nation “We are in a fight for our principles, and our first responsibility is to live by them. No one should be singled out for unfair treatment or unkind words because of their ethnic background or religious faith.” WORD.
One thing that I have noticed, with the lack of my site, is just how much I use the link box to navigate through my daily surf. I miss it so much, in fact, that I have now built a local copy on my Titanium.
I haven’t been able to get to this site since Monday, and I assumed that it was down. Others, however, can see this site without issue, so I will attempt to update it blindly until such a time as I can see it again. I assume that this is somehow Nimda related, and that is what my hosting provider has told me is crippling my access to the site.
Sharon puts Arab support for US at risk. WHAT is the deal with this? Israel has been acting in a manner which I do not think our government finds helpful this week. If they aren’t going to be outright helpful, by taking part in talks, they should, right now, be chilling out and letting us pursue this situation. Do we have so little influence with them?
Filling the Void. I like the idea of this, and I’d even advocate it as a permanent replacement. I’m going to start posting on non-WTC related topics again to day. Not that I have forgotten, not that it’s crept away from the front of my consciousness, but that it’s getting unhealthy in my head. As it should be, it’s virtually all I have thought about and dreamed about for the last week. I find myself at the end of this week resolved. First resolved to help in any way I can to heal the damage done to our country, to New York and to Washington, to the families and friends that lost people, and to our financial straits. Second resolved to work towards a solution to the problem of terrorism on this planet. We can clearly no longer treat our involvement with the rest of the nations and peoples on this planet as a trivial matter that will not have a direct effect on us each personally. Nor should we turn the other cheek in this matter, but use a combination of all the means at our disposal including diplomacy, financial, technology, and, where necessary, devastating violence, to put an end to this threat to the planet.
The only thing I can say to you, the cowardly, weak person that sent me the very disturbing email that we “got what we deserved” from the University of Wisconsin Library is that you should at least have the decency to engage me in conversation in a way in which I can respond to you directly. I feel sorry for you. Not that your opinion about the US and this incident is different than mine, in this country we accept those opinions. That you have no regard for the completely 100% innocent people whose lives were taken and the loved ones of those same people. In turn, more lives will be lost as a result of this incident in other countries. Some of these people will not be innocent, but some will and that is a shame. I doubt you fully understand the situation because your email didn’t show that understanding. I’m sure you are getting what you wanted, a public response to your email, a rise out of me. I, however, have no other way to respond.
I find this FOXNews story to be very inappropriate. I do not think that this is the time or the place for this sort of journalism. Not only that, as a New York State certified environmental asbestos licensee (I worked for two different environmental engineering companies in the early nineties.), I can tell you for a fact that asbestos is most definitely dangerous, and that it should not be used in any form in which it can become friable.