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Bin Laden: Child of Privilege Who Champions Holy War. Elsewhere, I’ve seen references to the fact that he was trained in many of the tactics he uses by the CIA. This article, which is sort of a biographical piece, seems to ignore that fact.


Taliban anticipating massive US attack, vows revenge. Well, now this is a new stance from them in this incident. If you are so worried about our attack, why don’t you give us enough access to your country to hunt down the coward that hides there, but sends others to kill innocents in our country? I can only imagine how much this will anger other Americans once it is distributed by the major media outlets.


When I went to bed last night, they were reporting the story below. I guess it did not turn out to be true. I’m surprised that these news organizations are so very comfortable reporting unconfirmed stories then retracting them. People’s lives are involved here. I can only imagine how the loved ones of the missing police officers might feel in this situation. Shame on you ABC.


ABCNEWS.com : 10 Cops Discovered in the Rubble. There’s still hope here.


Bin Laden moved minutes after attacks


Powell Confirms bin Laden Suspect in Attacks


World Trade Center Survivor Database


United States Department of State: Patterns of Global Terrorism (1999 but still a good read.)


TechTV New York Red Cross Needs Tech


US Attacked: How You Can Help


Terror groups hide behind Web encryption (USA Today)

This Boston Herald article has additional investigation details from this morning.

The horror and immensity of it all. I find myself struggling with comprehension, and somehow wishing that I could see the Pentagon or Manhattan first hand. Of course, after talking to folks in Manhattan yesterday (everyone I know is ok), there are things to be seen there now that no one should ever have to see. You can donate to the Red Cross Disaster fund here. I wish somehow that there was more I could do, something I could lift or carry, anything. I know that I have to wait, like everyone else that isn’t in these two cities, for our government to figure things out and then take care of these people. My thoughts are with those who have lost someone they were close to today, and will be forever.


If articles like this and this are any indication, this prediction that I made during MacWorld in July is unfortunately proving accurate.


Mathowie talks about shower based brainstorms. I couldn’t agree more. Almost every difficult programming problem that I have solved in the last few years has been solved with an idea that came to me while in the shower.


According to the Dischord News page, there will be a new full length and a mini-cd single from Fugazi released on my birthday.


Cryptonomicon cypher-FAQ . Among the things I learned by reading this document was the fact that he is writing additional novels on cryptology. These will form a series, and “certain family names keep popping up”


If I ever had the time, which it feels like I won’t, and I was going to make the perfect home portal page to start my browsing with, it would be Superbe.


Mixing Java and Titanium: Part 1


The Ultimate Guide to Anamorphic Widescreen DVD. I got curious after seeing this listed as a feature on discs I was looking at buying.


Well, I’ve been working on getting unpacked, and shopping for the immediate items of furniture that I think I should have. There is a huge difference between a one bedroom apartment and a two bedroom house in terms of room. Since I have only dialup access at home currently and was quite busy, I didn’t sign on all weekend. I’ve become quite spoiled with high speed everywhere. Since Earthlink and Bell South can’t get to my Static IP DSL install for at least another week, I’m going to have to either spend more time in the office to do my personal stuff or deal with the slow dialup. On Friday night, I got the pool completely cleaned out and got the chemical balance where it was supposed to be. This led to two days of swimming in the pool. I’m really going to enjoy having it.


Working with Javascript - Windows/Mac IE Scripting


I slept in a house which I own by myself for the first time in my life last night. I woke up this morning to birds chirping, and Loofa, my cat, attempting to get to the birds through the bedroom window. I guess she hasn’t had too much bird experience living in apartments. It felt great to wake up in my house. Of course, when I got out of bed and saw the hundred or so cardboard boxes full of my life, reality set in. One thing I should say is that moving into a new house in the middle of the week, then returning to work, is not a good idea. I can’t concentrate at all. Finally, I had pool school this morning. I learned about Ph and Chlorine, and filters and cleaning. A pool is a lot of work, but of course I knew that. I’m just hoping to get three of four weeks of swimming in before I have to close it. Well, back to work.


Nathan’s new feature article on Web Graphics: A Review of Web Based Color Pickers , is a ridiculously thorough review of 32 color pickers.


I see a lot of links to the HP/Compaq merger. I wonder what Microsoft thinks of the two makers, who control something like 68% of the consumer PC market, becoming one company. Suddenly, Microsoft is almost beholden to a single vendor in that one space. For the record, I think that this is a bad merger, and unless it is executed in a very very careful manner, it could prove to be the death of both companies.