American Head Charge(Produced by Rick Rubin) File under industrial metal. Real good.
One more note. Choosing a satellite TV programming provider is a confusing process. It’s difficult to compare DirectTV and DISH Network side by side. In the end, I went with DISH Network because it seemed to offer more programming for less money. Both are cheaper for the same amount of channels than my current digital cable AT & T setup.
Tomorrow is d-day for moving into the house. Needless to say I am tired, have not been using the net, and probably will not be posting much for the next couple of days as a result. Packing has gone well, but I can’t say enough how much I am not a fan of moving. I’ve never done it well. There are stories there, but why bore you with the details of previous idiocy when there is plenty current idiocy to report?
Via Ev’s site I discover that Grand Royal is going out of business. The record business is very difficult for indies, I have difficult first hand knowledge of this fact. It’s ironic that I bought the most recent release from the label this afternoon.
I think the fact that I can relieve stress by abusing helpless chatbots might be an indication that I am a bad person.
XSLTDoc “This tool is itself an XSLT stylesheet that analyzes another stylesheet and builds a clean documentation on it.” (via iboy/aaronland)
I went to see Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back last night. I really enjoyed it. Apparently, Kevin Smith’s next project is a new Fletch movie named Fletch Won.
This is really neat AgentBaseball lets you get up to date MLB info via AIM. (from Metafilter)
Did I mention that the house I bought is a bungalow and that I’m moving in next week? So I’ll be packing this weekend and reading American Bungalow Magazine. Lately, it’s felt wierd to go to sleep in my apartment knowing that I own a house.
Sony axes eVilla Web-surfing appliance. I’m sure this has got to make Palm feel great about their recent purchase of Be, the company that provided the OS for the device. (File under yet another failed network appliance.) When PC’s are a cheap commodity, you have to provide consumers with something that competes not only on price, but also in feature set. More than likely, the entrance of a successful device in this category will come from the game console space. People buy them already, so there is no need to convince them to buy a new class of device that they are unfamiliar with.
Okay, this whole Web Services thing is starting to make my head hurt. It’s tiring to constantly be trying to figure out who is trying to trick you and who is trying to lock you in. This confusion I feel right now is exactly what some companies want me to feel. Then I will rush into their safe mothering arms. eeessh
what is the purpose of this page? Is it somehow related to this page? (update: there is an explanation of the second site’s purpose.)
This Quicken ‘02 for OS X review asks a very relevant question: What is Apple doing about .NET?
I was unaware that Crossgain had been purchased by BEA. It makes sense, considering that Crossgain’s whole original mission, before Microsoft practically destroyed the company by enforcing non-compete agreements with it’s former employees there, was to create the same sort of Internet platform that .NET represents.
Slashdot | Breaking Windows. This review of Breaking Windows is very good. If you have not read this book, you should.
This new Handspring device looks really interesting.
Microsoft.Net–a new monopoly? “Microsoft.Net can be summarized in one simple statement: Microsoft is building an Internet monopoly.” Computers Uhh when did Amazon start selling computers?
File under fundamentals: DOCTYPE Explained
If you are running a Windows based Operating System, I recommend that you go to Lavasoft’s Web site and download Ad-aware 5.5. It’s eye opening how many spyware type things I found in my machine with it. It identifies processes, registry keys, and cookies that are being used to spy on you without your knowledge. It then gives you the option of deleting the offending items. If you are concerned about things like Gator and Cydoor, this is a great place to start.
There’s great J2EE news and information at I’ll be adding that one to the daily surf list.