FBI keeps its bugging secrets “…the Bureau argues the key logger does not fall under the terms of current legislation on bugging.” Umm, then what is it?
Internet World Magazine: Peering Into Sun Microsystems “Sun would like the computer industry to believe that it is the one true champion of open Web services.”
VR3. I’m interested in this, but do not want to spend the money to check it out without knowing more about it. Anyone got any experience with it? I’m looking for something that I can’t seem to find so far, a legitimate computer in a handheld form factor. My long gone Compaq iPaq was most of the way there, but had some interface clumsiness that I really disliked. I think it still had vestiges of the whole Windows Everywhere strategy in it. My Sony Clie 710, the current contender, is decent but is limited to 128 Mb of memory and has no other expansion capabilities. Palm has really dropped the ball in innovating the OS, but you already knew that I thought that. So, I’m interested in the VR3.
XML for Data: Four tips for smart architecture “However, like C++ and client-server architecture, XML isn’t an answer in and of itself; it’s simply a tool you can use to help build your technical solution.” (via Dangerous Meta)
Barkley: ‘Nothing positive’ about a Jordan comeback. For once, I agree with Sir Charles. I want to remember Michael Jordan as the dominant player that he was in the nineties. A comeback now is bound to diminish his legacy, especially returning to a mediocre team like the Washington Wizards. There is no possible way that the Wizards will be able to compete with the likes of the Shaq and Kobe Lakers. The supporting cast, and coach, that he had in Chicago made his incredible run possible. He should stay retired as the most dominant player in the nineties and a Chicago Bull.
Today is day ten. Quitting is much easier with both the patch and Zyban. It’s almost unnoticable at times, there’s not the gnawing sense of loss that normally seeks to overwhelm you when you are trying to quit. Not that there haven’t been cravings, and not that I haven’t eaten an entire canister of Twizzlers in the last week, but things are getting easier, and I think I’m going to make it this time.
Advenio SQLGrinder is a native Mac OS X SQL editor and developer tool that makes your database development easier.
usefulinc.com: XML-RPC: PHP An XML-RPC client and server written in PHP. This is the 1.0 release.
I had a great weekend in Connecticut with my family. It always does me a lot of good to go home. Every time I do, I re-discover myself. I, however, am having a rough time getting back into work mode today.
ximian’s evolution pim looks exactly like Outlook? I’m sort of surprised by this. Not from the perspective that Outlook isn’t software worth cloning, I use it every day and I think it’s fine. Also, not from the perspective that cloning is unusual, cloning is a fact of life in the software business. I’m surprised that Open Source programmers at Ximian don’t have some radical new way of doing this sort of app. I want innovation, not status quo. I should say that I have not used this app and I am basing my opinion on the screen shots. There could be plumbing there that I am unaware of. This, I assure you, will not be the value add that gets people to migrate from Windows to Linux. In fact, it sort of plays into MSFT’s hands.
Microsoft lobbying campaign backfires; even dead people write in support of firm. I can’t believe how unethical this is. If they are doing stuff like this here, what would lead you to believe that they were above the board in the other parts of their business practices?
I have to take issue with today’s post over at n0d.org. I do not believe that the wrist is the waist of the arm. I instead, believe that the elbow is the waist of the arm. Sure we wear watches on our wrists like we do belts on our waist, but the wrist is nowhere near the middle of the arm. This would cause a massive balance problem, and therefore the wrist cannot be the waist of the arm. Could you imagine if our waist was at chest level? How ridiculous. Care to support the cause? Email me your reasons why the wrist is not the waist of the arm. (contact link above.)
I’ve come to the conclusion that I am an American League guy trapped in a National League city.
Happy Birthday Blogger!!. Now, would you please let me pay for an enhanced service? In all seriousness, tomorrow is my second anniversary of having a blogger account, and while Bump is almost 4 years old, the last two years have been much easier to maintain and keep up with due to my use of Blogger.
Happy Birthday Dad!!!
Dot-Com Builder: Web Services There’s a ton of stuff here that is of interest.
Obscure Law Used to Jail Day Laborers in Georgia. Man there’s some nasty stuff here, I could pull out any one of a number of ugly racist comments made by my neighbors to the North. I’m embarassed to live in a State where this is going on. I’m moving into a neighborhood where I am a minority, and I would never want to be treated the way these people are being treated. It’s shameful. (via Rebecca’s Pocket)
I released the software I’ve been working on to the end users today. I’m now in that pause. You know the one. When something is done, but you really know that something, at least one big thing, will come up that needs to be fixed. At the same time, the next set of tools need to be released shortly, so I better get back to work.
Having a hard time getting started this morning. This is surprising, because I finished the first leg of development yesterday, and all I have to do this morning is clean up presentation and some QA on the code I wrote over the last five days. Should be a fun breezy morning after the last few days I’ve had. Can’t get going though.
Still looking for desktop wallpaper that suits your taste? Looroll Wallpapers
infoSync has the scoop on the new Jornada 560 series. They also have a “screenshot” of the Pocket PC 2002 Operating System. (It looks like Windows XP, and isn’t genuine.) PocketPC Devices continue to roll along.
Lotsofskins.com. It looks like there are err lots of skins here.