Bump Dot Net For the People


DAVE for Mac OS X. Sharity was a one way, confusing and difficult to configure solution. I’ve always used Dave on my Macs, so I’m curious to see how Dave for X turns out.


Flaw in some AirPort Base Stations. I was having this problem a couple of months ago, and had called and gotten nowhere with Apple. I called today, and they are mailing out a replacement. It’s nice to know that there is good customer service somewhere.


Half Keyboard??


AKIRA2001.COM A special edition DVD of a restored version of Akira is being released July 24th.


Spider-Man Movie Trailer It looks really really good.


I’m making an offer on my first house today. I’m very excited about it, and the last few weeks as I dragged my feet making a decision have moved by quite slowly.


Beijing wins 2008 Games Can’t say I’m happy about this. China has an awful record of behavior, human rights abuses, and a number of other things that are not quite in the Olympic spirit.


O’Reilly Network: Extending the Life Line of the Palm OS I have to say that, as I returned to the Palm platform after the loss of my iPaq, that the connection software seems a bit old fashioned to me now. It doesn’t really seem like it has been revamped in a long while. Also, they still rely on third parties for even their integration with Outlook. Sure they bundle the software in the box, but this is an essential part of what their software does. Just from my own outside opinions, it seems like Palm is missing the boat on a lot of things. Each of their licensees has innovated in some way, but it would be nice if they could tie all of those innovations together moving forward.


Software for Information Architects


Now, I’m not saying this is in good taste, but IsDickCheneyDeadYet.com ??? Is this something that merits it’s own blog? I mean let’s take this as seriously as possible. Is this person damaging the whole medium of blogging? Devaluing the very existence of “serious” blogs? In another case of dot com’s over staffing, the site claims to have three staffers monitoring Dick Cheney. Do you really need three people for that or are they trying to burn through some VC money? I guess I just don’t see a revenue model here.


OSXGNU Software Archive (via inessential)


“Hello my friend!!!” If you’re ever at the corner of Marietta and Cone streets in Atlanta GA, you owe it to yourself to visit this man and pick up a fantastic smoothie. If you’re lucky, you may turn out to be his friend. (link, picture and text courtesy of n0d.org)


Dave Winer’s proposal for a browser market restoration.


Dan Gillmor: Microsoft’s desktop `concession' taken from same old bag of tricks

Frankly, this is too little too late for this market segement. Microsoft managed to kill off any real viable alternative to Internet Explorer. Hold on, I know you are thinking "there's Mozilla, iCab, Opera" Well think about it this way, think of all the improvements that could have been made to Netscape if they had been able to charge for their software. Think of the innovations we might have seen had they been able to sink a huge, revenue based, R & D effort behind their browser. Well here we are in 2001, and the browser hasn't really moved very far from 1998-9. This is Microsoft's fault, and we need our government to step up to the plate here and not cave and settle.


Leo from Screen Savers on TechTV has a blog.


Osiris G-Bag is a backpack with built in speakers for listening to music.


Emusic has almost every George Carlin album as MP3’s up on their site. I continue to enjoy the unlimited downloads for $9.99 plan at eMusic very much. Especially since I started using Musicmatch Jukebox Pro as my player on my new Windows machine. As some would say, it automagically loads songs I download into my library.


ColdFusion FAQ


I’ve been watching Major League Lacrosse whenever the games are on here. I played for a couple of seasons in college, and have always loved the sport. It’s so much more exciting to watch than some of the other professional sporting events on TV.


I am finally recovering from the massive data loss and sheer privacy invasion of my laptop disappearance. It has taken me a while. I bought new equipment, not the same stuff I had because I frankly couldn’t afford it. I’m hoping the hotel’s insurance will cover the rest. I’ve written up the whole story, but don’t want to publish it yet in case the thief is smart enough to check this site. I must have changed 200 passwords in the last few days, and spent almost a week getting software installed and configured. Now I have to get back on track at work where this has cost me at least one work week. Back up your data every day boys and girls, and encrypt stuff you don’t want others to see with PGP and password utilities like Web Confidential (Mac OS, Windows, and Palm).


Others have pointed to this book review about the Supreme Court decision on the election last year. It is worth a read, and I will without a doubt be reading the books it covers.


Databases for Stolen (Mobile) Computers


I apologize for the lack of updates. When staying in San Francisco over the weekend, someone broke into my hotel room and stole my Titanium Laptop, iPaq, and all of the other various pieces of computer equipment that I had brought on the trip for work. The most disturbing thing in the whole mess is the loss of my data and the invasion of my privacy. If you know someone in the bay area that may have purchased items like this at hot prices, feel free to email me. I, of course, have the police on the case.


Liongames is reporting that a Mac OS port of Black & White is in progress. This is good news for you Mac gamers. This game is spectacular and entertaining. I’ve been playing it on my Win 2000 machine for the last week, and it’s engaging.


This SV.com Roundtable has some amazing insightful points being made in it. It’s interesting to see a sharp mind like Bruce Perens respond to Craig Mundie’s points. It seems like the sad thing here is that a well oiled PR machine like Microsoft can continue to operate through disinformation because the general public could care less about this kind of stuff. I mean Bill Gates is the ultimate computer genius, he’s much smarter than the average computer user, so whatever he says must be incredibly accurate.