I usually don’t link to new Weblogs anymore. There are too many for me to do that sort of thing any justice. However, Nathan, who I work with and who has good curiousity and interests has started n0d.org. I think you’ll find some really good information there.
Windows users pay for hacker insurance. This is interesting, because of the way that insurance companies do business, it’s hard to refute the fact that NT is, as a matter of fact, a less secure choice than the various unixes. (At least in the case of this particular company’s clients.)
‘IRON CHEF' TO AMERICA. A few comments about this. First, William Shatner? Second, part of what I have enjoyed so much about the Japanese version of Iron Chef has been the bad dubbing and the asian oriented cuisine. So, the bottom line is that I’m not really looking forward to this whatsoever. I would imagine they are counting on the cult popularity of the Iron Chef on the Food Network would lead to increased viewership, I somehow doubt it. (link via Eatonweb)
Transcript: Jeffords statement. Regardless of your political stance, you have to admire this man for his strength of conviction. He is standing up for what he believes in and showing himself to be of independent mind.
I’m interested in learning WebObjects, so I’ll pose the question here because I know there are at least a couple of you who develop with WebObjects. Where do you start, what do you need? Where is there documentation? Where are there books? mail me.
This O’Reilly Network article is a nice overview of where things are currently standing with Java on Mac OS X.
Towel Day In tribute to Douglas Adams.
Taleban to mark Afghan Hindus. Okay, I got chills up my spine reading this article. Sounds eerily like something done at one point in Germany. On the heels of blowing up the Buddhas too. Very disturbing. (via rc3.org)
Go monkeyman Go.
Brent: “the average Brent and Sheila will feel less in control of their environment, as technology designed to make life easier makes life more and more annoying.”
OS X Links. This is easily the most stuff about Mac OS X linked in one place so far.
DevShed - MySQL Administration A great overview for someone who has just installed MySQL and wants to know what to do next.
I found a link to The Art of the Mix at metafilter, which was interesting because I have a long and interesting history with making mix tapes. The I noticed this XML interface they have built that allows you to access their information with xml based http requests. Even more interesting.
AT&T Broadband came out and installed my new cable based Internet access this morning. It went surprisingly well(so far), and they came out only three days after I called to place the order. For the time being, that means I have two active high speed connections in my home. Later this week, I expect that the other connection will just disappear, that company won it’s case in court last week to shut down.
Frontier for OS X. I hadn’t linked to this yet, but I have this up and running on my home server now. There is some really really interesting stuff going on here. The integration with the shell that they have built into this first UNIX version of Frontier opens things up on the interoperability front quite a bit. I’ve been able to do some interesting things already just calling the shell from some Frontier scripts.
There’s a craigslist: atlanta now.
‘Hitchhiker’ author Adams dies. He was a really nice guy (even to a nobody like me), and he brought some amazing, humorous and inventive books into existence. I wish his family the best in what must be a trying time.
I’m working on a Cold Fusion/ MySQL project right now. Just a little server migration from one hosting provider to another. It was made much much easier by the existence phpMyAdmin, which is a web based administrator for MySQL databases.
Plua is a scripting language that runs on the Palm OS.