Bump Dot Net For the People


Moodstats is a cross platform app, from the Kaliber 10000 folks, for tracking your mood and other daily measurements of your life, and a journal application. It also lets you upload your data to a server once you have registered it so you can see aggregate mood data. Pretty neat, today is my third day so I finally get to see the charting aspects.


Looking back at my blog post during the Nagano games four years ago, I notice that, out of the Nagano Games' sites that I linked to, the only one that isn’t still up is the official Olympics site. What’s the deal with that? I mean, this is an opportunity to keep history up there.


Yesterday, in between bouts of being frustrated with my computer equipment and software, I watched all four Olympic hockey games that were televised. I’ve only missed one or two of the televised games since the start of the games. I can tell you that, with a couple of exceptions, this is the best televised hockey I’ve ever seen, and the best games are ahead of us still. Who would have imagined that Sweden would kick Canada’s butt? Who would have thought that Belarus would then beat Sweden? The upcoming US vs. Russia game, twenty two years ago to the day from the upset in 1980, will be hard played.


Do you know David Gallagher? If not, then you should use Google to search for David Gallagher. I think that David Gallagher will end up the most famous David Gallagher on Google soon enough.


It’s nice to be back in the world of the living update. For the record, whatever happened to my install of Radio was undoubtedly my own fault. Nothing that I couldn’t rebuild using my Blogger archives and my existing templates etc…


This is a test of my fresh start with Radio. Things got a little crazy there.


Starting from scratch today. First, however, I’m walking away from the computer for a few hours.


I’m still down. Eesh. I actually have stuff to post here too.


Experiencing technical diificulties. Will return to publishing tomorrow.




I, Cringely | The Power of X Another essay extolling the virtues of Apple entering the Intel based OS market. I don’t see it. In my opinion, despite the fact that it might be good for Microsoft to see some real competition on the desktop, it would be the death of Apple. Apple is a much smaller company than Microsoft. Apple is not capable, at this point at supporting the sheer volume of hardware available on the Intel platform. I could be wrong about this, but I don’t think so. Apple’s only real credible advantage is the cohesion between their hardware and software. I just don’t think they could make as much money changing their business plan to a software only one. They are a hardware company. How many companies can you name that made a huge switch like that successfully?


Judge Says Microsoft Must Give States Windows Code


Save Our Environment Action Center :: New Power Project


Wired News: PCs Are Incorrect on TV Is Hollywood trying to say that good guys use Macs and bad guys use PC’s? I guess that would make me half good and half bad.


Well, it’s a beautiful day here, and I need to drain the water out of my pool cover. Enjoy your day.


Sosumi is a Mac OS X Aqua replacement.


Joel on Software - The Iceberg Secret, Revealed: “Customers Don’t Know What They Want. Stop Expecting Customers to Know What They Want.


For my non-weblog reading visitors, you might find this site an interesting view into the Olympics. It’s a weblog being updated during the games by someone working them.


Blog This “We surf the Web; these guys snowboard it. Bloggers are the minutemen of the digital revolution.” (via dangerousmeta via Serious Instructional Technology)


Is Apple Planning an iPad Running the Palm OS? Taiwan Tells All . Okay, I am sooo tired of this meme now.


iHam on iRye: “iHam on iRye is a set of three applications used to control iTunes over a LAN or WAN network.


Secure Shell Helper is a Cocoa app for Mac OS X that lets you configure your Secure Shell options. Can you guess what I did tonight?


Stepwise: Building OpenSSH on Mac OS X. I would have had a much harder time doing this without this tutorial.


I watched Olympic Curling tonight for about three hours on CNBC. It’s actually quite like the Italian sport of Bocce, but on ice and with brooms. I enjoyed the chess match like atmosphere as teams plotted their strategies. So I guess I’ll have to make fun of some other Olympic sport now. Maybe pairs figure skating….


O’Reilly Network: Why Use a Command Line Instead of Windows?. I’ve actually been asked this question a lot when proclaiming my enthusiasm for the new Mac OS and it’s command line interface. If you are curious about this particular subject, this article is a well written explanation of the reasoning and usefullness of the Command Line Interface. Not sure how I missed it when it was first posted back in November.