Bump Dot Net For the People

Wednesday Updates


Instructions on how to make a Hello Kitty laptop

Here's a picture of the new Hot Wheels and Barbie computers from Mattel. I think the Hot Wheels one is bad ass.

Apparently, the world's population is expected to reach the 6 billion mark on October 12th. Here's a site celebrating that fact?

iTime is a system extension that adds an Internet Time or Metric Time clock in your Macintosh menu bar next to the traditional Macintosh clock.

I'm attending the Jupiter Online Advertising Forum in New York from August 17-19. Interesting group of people speaking.

I attended the monthly meeting of The Association of Internet Professionals here in Atlanta. There were presenters from Andromedia and Broadvision . Andromedia's products allow for detailed tracking of user activity and data drilldown and analyzation of the resulting information. Really complex stuff. Broadvision has an end to end software product that acts as a personalization engine and content management system. Wish we could afford either, but their solutions are priced for the Hewlett Packards and Home Depots of the world. I like Andromedia's site design much better than Broadvision's. More attractive and professional looking.

I'm listening to Jack from saturn.org's Internet Mixed Tape . It's got some interesting music. Most interesting to me is that I haven't heard most of it before.(I love the Faith No More song he included.)

My Netscape seems to have some channel updating issues. Scripting News and CamWorld channels aren't updating. (Maybe Dave and Cam have decided not to do this syndication anymore.)




I'm hiring a production level Web person. Here's the job description.(Atlanta area only please.)

RSS Updates


Keeping up: Our RSS file is now in RSS 0.91 format .

The Blair Witch Project is proving that Internet marketing works. Of course, it helps to have a strong product.

Another early Weblog: www.gulker.com . He maintained an early list of what he then called News Pages because of our use of Frontier's NewsPage suite . You can find that list on this page .

One iMac and a microphone

From the sounds too much like Lentil department

Rebecca's Pocket has it going on. I love the first column where she lists what she's up to, reading, listening to, etc... The work section of her site reveals some interesting online development and design nuggets I had heretofore missed.

have browser, will travel ponders the explosion of Weblogs. I tend to think there is nothing wrong with linking to other Weblogs one finds amusing, interesting, and well written.

News.com reports that Microsoft is holding features back from its partner's version of Internet Explorer.

A New York Times story (registration required) that talks about Weblogs, but calls them Online Digests. It mentions Scripting NewsDavenetics(which is a mailing list), and Obscure Store.

After a long effort, Dave Winer gets Symantec's permission to release some of his early software. I haven't ever seen MORE or ThinkTank. My only frame of reference is what he's been doing over the last few years with Frontier That's cool.

It always feels strange to roll the month of postings here over the the archives section. I look at the number of months I have archived now, and I realize that I couldn't have imagined doing this site for as long as I have now.

Damn, CamWorld's been redesigned . It loads faster, and I like the look and feel of the new page better. It lacks some of the zest the other page had color-wise. Overall, I like it.

Various Links


Extensis , maker of some excellent Photoshop plug-ins and graphics tools, launches CreativePro.com a portalized site for the graphic designer and web designer. I was a beta tester for this site, and I think they did a good job of bringing together partnerships with other sites, and unique content which they developed on their own. It still lacks a Web log.

Lawrence over at Tomalak's Realm (which is a Bump daily read) is looking for feedback on his re-design in progress .

Bare Bones Software has updated it's Mailsmith email client to 1.1.4. I own a copy, but I gave up on it a few months ago because it was slow and sort of buggy. I think I'm ready to give it another chance.

I hadn't noticed that Builder.com had been redesigned to look exactly like all of the other CNET sites. I don't dig it. I don't think my company's readers would want all of our magazines or sites to look exactly the same either.

Here's a CNN story on Java running on the Palm V at the Javaone conference. I'm gonna look into this tonight.



You too can Weblog with Pitas.com , it seems to be built in PERL.(No coding required.) Here's the one I built this afternoon. Only three links up there so far. I'm sure that most people who would use a site like this wouldn't give a Weblog proper care and feeding.

One of the original Weblogs worth noting: RasterWeb . It's the site that inspired me to log in the first place.

The type controversy seems to be over. Nothing but positive comments. RANT: Why can't things work the same on every platform for even the same browser and version? This frustrates the hell out of me, increases the cost of development for companies dramatically, and generally sucks.

Kikaze had some really nice things to say about Bump. Somehow I missed them over the last few days.

New Weblogs are popping up left and right. Makes me feel like some kind of old timer. Introducing the daily doozer and Anythink .

We're having a large open house at my office today to introduce my company's New York based executives, our clients, and the local media to our new name and location. Here's what I hear so far: blah blah blah.

I'm having more fun doing this logging thing now than I ever have.

Text Size Redux


My last ditch effort at keeping everyone happy with the size of the text: No text formatting at all.(Keep it Simple Stupid) Send any complaints to the usual place.

Herman Miller's got some DHTML going on over at Jugglezine Still their frame implementation leaves something to be desired in my eyes.

I know this one has already made the NYT and that everyone else on the Weblog circuit has already stepped in and spoken up, but I have to talk a bit about lemonyellow . Quite smart and very dense, but it brings out the best in me.

Another young Weblog: MetaScene

I've got my designer's hat on today. I'm finishing the redesign of one of the dreadful sites I inherited when I took my current job. I'm still pounding away at it so I'll have to make today's post brief.

The PowerPage reports on an NTSC video out solution for the iBook.

Going against normal Bump policy, I cribbed this link from CamWorld . I thought Blair Witch was scary, so I guess I understand why they wouldn't want to show it . I especially like the nice Christian woman who calls the movie "gory." Clearly, she hasn't seen the movie(yet).

John Dvorak calls the masculinity of any man using an iBook into question . I'm sure he'd find that set of comments real funny while I was kicking his ass. :-)

I got my first piece of Bump hate mail over the weekend. I guess that must mean I am writing something worthwhile here. Well I gotta go push some text around...peace.

Trying Daily Out


Editor's note: please let me know if you find the size of the text on this page readable. If you don't, please let me know which platform and browser you are using. You can email me at this address.

Photoshop users: MetaCreations is giving away their new KPT Equalizer plug-in until July 31st. To download it, go to this page .

You can now tell if I am online by looking at the flower at the bottom of the page that looks like this: 

Aaron, of a boy and his basement (which is quite good in my opinion) has this neat site map . I love it. You can get the code to implement it at Eric Bosrup's site I also wish that I lived in Martha's Vineyard.

I'm digging around in Weblog land, getting ready to do a stint getting some of these new ones up on the DMOZ Weblog listing . It's interesting to see what others are doing.

Looka is one that is new to me, and I like Chuck's writing style. We seem to have a lot in common.(He even drives a New Beetle.) He also saw The Blair Witch this weekend and has his thoughts up on his site.

I've decided. with some prodding from Jim over at have browser will travel , that Bump will be a daily from here on out. I don't have a multitude of time, but I know that I could write every day if I focused on getting it done.

I like the content on CrossFader (especially given the name since I was a club DJ for 5 years), but it's very hard to read the small white text on a black background. That's not going to keep me from reading.

Looks like there's some kind of trouble between Dave Winer and Jorn over at Robot Wisdom There's a story about it on Jorn's site. Update: Dave's response

These dudes are still cranking along on their Commodore 64's NY Times Registration Required

Since Lycos is using the Open Source DMOZ directory database, I am now listed as an editor on Lycos' site . Hotbot uses the same database too, and look how far behind the times the version they are using is. I've been an editor for a couple of months, and we have added 23 Web logs since they updated last.

Blair Witch


I finally got to see The Blair Witch Project last night(well it's actually 3 am now so it feels more immediate than last night). An interesting movie, and the reactions of the crowd matched the movie itself. The theater was packed, and they are actually sold out all weekend now. I would say about half the audience(and about half the group of people I went with) liked it and the other half didn't care for it as much. I really liked it, and fell into it. As a result, it scared the shit out of me. It's very psychological, and if you let it get ahold of you, you're in for an interesting ride. I would recommend it highly, but I don't think everyone gets into these kinds of thrillers. I got a little seasick from the documentary style footage, but I think it added the right effect to the movie. In interviews I have seen with the people who made the movie, they referred to the Seventies television show "In Search Of..." I saw this influence throughout the movie. They leave a lot up to your imagination, and that's what gets you. It allows you to imagine the worst scenario, the one that scares you the most.

One thing that is worth noting is that the Web site takes on a different role than the typical Hollywood movie site. It adds to the mythos they built in the movie, providing more background, facts, and details than the movie could. It also contains audio of interviews that didn't make it into the movie in their entirety. I like this, I got home and began crawling through all this additional material.(While looking over my shoulder.) It seems like they are adding stuff all the time. I would hold off on the site until you have seen the movie.

More iBook icons , these are from Hide who is another of my favorite icon authors.

iBook Icons


Finally, an iMac computer desk with an optional cupholder . God, it's about time.

The Iconfactory has posted a set of iBook icons. Yes!!



Instant message system to debut .(SiliconValley.com) Microsoft is entering the fray with their own Instant Messenging software. No doubt it will be a bundled part of Windows and promptly create all sorts of problems for ICQ and AOL.

The iBook Design FAQ . It reveals that the iBook has no fan. Which means it should be a fairly quiet machine. The iBook Keyboard FAQ reveals that the Function keys are easily programmable for every day tasks(launching software) which sounds really cool to me.

I've thought more about the concept of the wireless machine, and the iBook. How about using it as a low flow web server? That could be interesting. I'll have to give it a try when I get it.

After getting a fair amount of negative feedback about the size of the type on the main log page, I've switched it back to the default size. I liked reading it the other way, but I guess I don't read my own site on a regular basis so that point is moot.

If you have any other design or content suggestions, please forward them to me. the redesign of these pages is not far away, and I'm looking to automate the back end of this site in the process, making changes going forward far easier to make. Do you like the new design of the links page?

So I broke down and ordered myself an iBook . If it were going to be my only computer, or even my only portable, I don't think I would have. I now picture myself roaming about my apartment and having access to the net everywhere without cabling. Of course, I won't be getting the thing for a couple of months so I have a lot of anticipation ahead of me. I'll share whatever experiences I have with it on this page when it arrives.

I much prefer the new design of The Apple Store

I don't think I mentioned Halo which is Bungie's newest game. They announced it yesterday, and it will be shipping early next year. They also showed it off at the MacWorld keynote yesterday. It has to be the most amazing looking game I have seen yet.(The site's not bad either.) There is a screenshot up on the site, but I don't think that it even begins to do the game itself justice. There are already fan sites for halo too. This one seems to be the most complete, and it contains more screenshots and a movie that can be downloaded. The gray text on a white background is a little annoying.

iBook Introduced


My brother's band, Die Laughing, joined the MP3 revolution yesterday with the posting of two of their songs to MP3.com. These are really good and well worth checking out. I'm really proud of him for sticking with his dream, and for producing some really high quality work that is worthy of industry and fan recognition. Now if I could just finish a site for him that is worthy of his music...

I went to the MacWorld simulcast here in Atlanta this morning. Apple introduced the iBook , a consumer iMac-like portable. You can read more about it and see pictures on their Web site. I'm sure the usual Macintosh news sites will do a great job covering it.(You can find my recommendations in this area on the links page.) I want one of these to match the Blue Terror. Update: I am unable to reach the Apple Store to place my order:-).

As a part of the same announcement, Apple announced a product line that incorporates the IEEE 802.11 wireless networking standard called AirPort . pretty cool

More interesting is what they are doing with QuickTime . They are setting up the Quicktime player as a streaming media portal. I think it makes good sense, and I am thinking that Real Networks should be very concerned about this.

I listened and watched to the Allaire Spectra (the product formerly known as Tempest) webcast earlier. It looks like a strong product, perfect for a company like mine that is looking for strong customizable content management that works with a variety of existing database systems, LDAP directories, and other enterprise wide applications. Seems like this framework will be a good jumping off point for CF developers who want the basic functions it provides but are capable of extending it beyond that to suit their companies needs. This product will turn up the heat in this area quite a bit(plus it has features out of the box that other content management systems don't have.) and it is pretty cheap at $7500.00 a server. They are also trying to meet the needs of Business people that need things like realtime data reports that are customized.

Webcasts are a great resource. I like being to gather this industry knowledge from my office. I just wish that they worked better. With all of the congestion on the net, it dropped out of me about 50 times. (Despite the fact that I have 100 baseT access to a t-1) Seems like the reporting functionality of the product will be a huge selling point with our Business and Sales types.

Things at my office are changing really rapidly now. I'm having a hard time keeping a grip on it all. We really have launched ourselves as an Internet business unit so the next few months should be trying and interesting. I am having somewhat of a tough time dealing with non-technical folks being involved in our Internet business. It seems like this happens a lot in our business: one person spends a ton of time architecting a strategy and building a worhtwhile product, then a normal suit type comes along and gets to take credit for the profits from that hard work. In the meantime they manage to muck up the strategy so longer term accomplishments are watered down and more difficult. I've seen this happen over and over again, so I'm fighting it tooth and nail.

Loving my new Tower


Well I now have set up and played with my new G3 tower quite a bit. It is quite fast. I feel guilty about how much moola I spent on it and the other things to go with it now, but I'm sure I'll get over it. I also bought a VST Firewire drive . It is also quite fast, but seems a bit finicky. VST is about to release a software update, so that may take care of it.

MacCentral is covers the release of the new low cost Palm IIIe. I love the week of MacWorld with all of its new product releases.(Palm also released a USB connection kit.)

I also picked up a copy of Casady & Greene's SoundJam yesterday. It is a software package containing an MP3 encoder, and MP3 player(which supports streaming MP3), and various extras and interface enhancements. I played with it yesterday for a couple of hours. It sounds good, at least as good as the other products in it's market. I still like the interface on MacAMP better. The encoder is decent, with quality that rivals the other available encoders for Macs.

I also downloaded a copy of the MacAMP 1.0 Preview release . It's interface is what you would expect from @Soft, and it is definitely the leading product in this area. They have added a set of plug-ins that actually display within the player interface that are quite nice. It sounds really good(I'd put it and SoundJam even on this front). My biggest beefs with it now are that it doesn't really do CD Audio the way I want it to. SoundJam will automatically download CD information over the net and it supports encoding, which MacAMP does not. Of course, MacAMP 1.0 is not a finished product and I am interested to see how it progresses. I think that SoundJam will also be worked on quite diligently over the next few months considering the competition and all of the industry focus on MP3.

Blue and White G3!


Mark Delfs reviews the Pontis MP3 Player which supports both Macs and Win32.

I upgraded my Macintosh system at home. A brand new Blue and White G3 arrived at my office this morning. Needless to say, I'm quite excited about the upgrade.

The Register covers Apple's relationship to Palm Computing and possible partnerships that could be in the works.

I heard a few days ago from the Atlanta Cold Fusion User's Group that Allaire was going to release an enterprise level Web content management system that was XML based and had ecommerce hooks. InfoWorld has a story covering Tempest .

Settling Back Down


Things are finally beginning to settle down here.

Power On Software has acquired Now up to Date/Now Contact . This is good news. These products were very popular with both myself and my family and friends. They had been languishing(the products not my family) under Qualcomm's ownership.

I've been reading Iconocast for a couple of years now, but I have never gone back to the site to look through old issues. This page of archives is great.

I went to see American Pie over the weekend. While it's not for the prudish or faint of heart, this movie was excellent. I would compare it to a combination of Porky's and Stand by Me . The gags were funny and I thought the writing stood up to any of the classic comedies that I love so much. The cast, most of whom are relatively unknown, gave great performances.

Looks like Apple and Swatch are cross promoting Internet Time and the iMac.

The Register is reporting that they will also be making a co-branded Internet timepiece .

Dave Winer asks What is a WebLog? I don't care. Why do we have to define things?

Macintouch reports that a preview version of MacAMP 1.0 will be available July 17.

This Salon story seems relevant to me.

Moving, It's not Ideal


What a week. We moved our office about 14 miles North of where it was previously. As you might expect, not everything about the move went well. The movers dropped the Linux box that we use as a combination Firewall/DNS Server for our network. I was forced to rebuild the machine from scratch under pressure, and we somehow pulled it off. Now we're hooking up the 125+ workstations. I ended last week working 98 hours.

Dan Gillmour talks about instant messenging in his latest column . (my ICQ # is 24193712)

Apple Readies launch of own portal, ISP
This makes logical sense considering the recent moves by Gateway, Dell, and AOL to convergence in this arena. I hope they remember the mistakes they made when building eWorld.

InfoWorld talks about Filemaker 5.0 .

Saturn.org is another new Weblog. I find the design inspiring, and it makes me want to finish the redesign of Bump all that much more.(I've had the same design for 18 months.) Link courtesy of have browser, will travel.

I've been watching the Women's World Cup matches. The US team just advanced to the finals. I really like to watch soccer.

Slashdot Sold


Slashdot is sold to andover net. In a cursory glance through the boards over at Slashdot, it seems that not everyone is happy about this. I wish them well in the most genuine sense possible. I guess these must be the same people who stop liking a band when they become popular. Please!

Writing about how Jim is a hockey fan yesterday has made me realize that I haven't mentioned that the Thrashers now have an actual team of players. I'm getting excited for there to be NHL hockey in the town I live in. Of course, we have one guy who can put the puck in the net right now, but I'm still excited.

The corporate move at my office is moving into full swing. I'm working ridiculous hours between now and Sunday so expect my updates here to be very sporadic.

Feed rips into Will Smith. hehe

Apple ponders Handheld With MacWorld coming up, I'm interested to see what products are coming down the pike from Apple. If p1 is good, I expect to be waiting for mine along with half the Apple nation. If not, I'll keep saving for that G3 PowerBook I've been lusting after.

CMGI to Make AltaVista a 'Megaportal' Interesting. I've thought that this brand has suffered under its previous ownership. Perhaps now this garden has a good tender.

Have Browser, Will Travel


Jim Roepcke, an accomplished Frontier and Web developer, who is also a fellow hockey fan, has started a Weblog named have browser will travel .

Need a homepage design?

InfoWorld Electric's 1999 compensation survey.

Turn of the Century


I finished Kurt Anderson's Turn of the Century this week. It's really the best book dealing with convergence culture on a fictional level that I've run into yet. It's amazingly up to date as far as trends in the Internet business go. I would definitely recommend it. While it's not the same type of book, it gave me the same kind of feeling I got the first time I read MicroSerfs (Which was one of my favorite books ever.) The characters in this book are strong at times, but generally the main character is sort of a dork.

If you are looking for the Austin Powers font, there is a reasonable facsimile here (it's name is Action Is)

Starbucks has a magazine. First thing I noticed about it(which you can't see on the Web.) was that they had a product placement for one of their advertisers, Nokia, on their cover. This is somewhat shady. The project is a collaboration between Starbucks and Time. I'm still waiting to see what Starbucks big Internet business plan is.

NoteTab Pro seems like a really well designed text editor for Win32. I feel like a BBEdit orphan when I edit my pages from my PC's despite some really capable tools. I've been kicking the tires on this one and it seems like it might be the best one I've tried yet on Windows.

Seems like my experiment is working.(see yesterday's entry) I like taking the extra time to compose and think about what I am going to post here. It also seems to make me want to be more regular about updating since I can do the writing in bursts when I discover something I want to write about.

I updated the Links page with additional content and changed the layout so that I scroll less. It still looks better on a Mac than a PC, but I can work that out as the week unfolds.

Writing in Word


Microsoft exec leaves company to pursue career as professional bowler.

Despite everyone's talk about how important portals are, I think that a successful one is more than a collection of links to sites that are relevant to an industry. While this site is useful to me, I would rather just have a page I built myself with the relevant links(I'm updating my personal portal right now actually.) This one is closer.

I'm trying something new with Bump and my other Web writing. I am making an effort to compose it outside of the context of HTML in Microsoft Word 2000. I'm finding that Dave Winer is right() and that I wish that the tools I use to create my Web code were better writing tools in general. Not that I am going to actually create any kind of Web page in Word, but it's easier to get my thoughts down clearly without the tags.

DIVX is Dead


We are rejoicing the death of DIVX the market managed to prove, for once, that bad technoogies lose. I wish it happened a little more.

I'm behind Dave Winer's Scripting News format over RSS any day.

The Raster has returned. Long live the raster.

Office 2000 thoughts


So I installed Office 2000 Professional on my Windows 98 laptop. Here are some observations ane experiences. If you have any questions, I'm happy to answer them if you email me.

First, installation did not go smoothly. After about half an hour of installation had gone by, I got an exception error and the installer locked itself up. I tried a variety of things over the next two hours, and I eventually figured out that the installer was choking on a java .dll. After I deleted the .dll, installation proceeded without incident. I'll try to cover all of the applications at some point this week. So far, I have used Word and Outlook only.

Outlook: I use Outlook as my primary Windows email program. This is primarily because we use an Exchange server at the office and it makes managing that mail and my Internet email easier. I also sync my PalmPilot with it. Outlook 2000 is not substantially different from Outlook 98 on the surface. My settings and email migrated without issue. I added some contacts, appointments, and to do list items and then synched my Palm V. Everything worked as I would normally expect it to. The Outlook Today panel is more customizable, and it seems like everything is HTML based so creating custom interfaces for it should be quite easy. The main Outlook window also can act as a Web browser.(Not that I would ever use it as one). The enhancements to Outlook don't amount to much on a single user level.

Word: The application, as with Outlook, does not stray from 97 all that much. I was much more interested in looking at a document after it had been saved with the "Save as Web Page" command than basic operation, which I expect is very much the same as 97. I saved two documents that I had lying around and opened them with Allaire Homesite 4.0. While the HTML is more correct and less intrusive than the 97/98 converter, there are a lot of custom tags that aren't part of any spec. They have a modified version of CSS that they use too. Overall, I think it's better than the same feature in Word 97. I would, however, rather have had something that output strict HTML 4.0 or at least had that as an option. The document also contains meta-tags that a novice user might not be aware of. These give the users name, date of edit, and other information about the document. There is a copy of one document I saved this way here for your perusal. I tried out its self repairing option, which worked well, and also tried to use an option I hadn't installed. Word then prompted me and asked if I would like to install the option(in this case a file format filter) and installed it at my command. I liked this quite a bit.


I liked what I saw, but I am not certain that the average Office user will benefit substantially from this update. Most of the changes are of benefit to large scale users. Considering the update costs, I don't think anyone who doesn't need the new features for some reason should run out and buy the upgrade.

Allaire has updated HomeSite 4 to 4.01. Update info is here.

I went to see Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me . I liked it quite a bit, but I think they lowered their standards in order to try and make the second movie funnier. It wasn't as intelligent and witty as the first movie, but it was well worth the $4.75 I spent to see it.

LinuxPPC.com has announced that LinuxPPC 5.0 is shipping.(finally) There are substantial differences in this new version, and I look forward to receiving the copy I pre- ordered in January.

I saw Very Bad Things on DVD over the weekend. I didn't like it nearly as much as I expected to. It was very very very dark.

I found the new Red Hot Chili Peppers CD, Californication, to be a huge dissapointment. Very mellow and almost completely devoid of the energy that I had come to expect and love from them(they are still one of my favorite bands). The lyrics were very sing songy. They have realaudio versions of the songs on the Web site. 

Office 2000


I attended the Microsoft Office 2000 launch here in Atlanta this morning. The first two sessions were essentially marketing information aimed at IT decision makers and support staff. These were followed by an hour long session by Steve Ballmer. Interesting stuff. They have created a set of integrated functionality that is very impressive. The catch is that they did this at the cost of compatibility. Many of the new features are dependent upon an office running all Microsoft technology.

I do lust after some of the groupware features they displayed, but I lament the fact that they ignore Linux, Mac OS, and Internet Standards in the process. They did give some lip service to WebDAV, HTML, XML, and CSS, but their implementation, from what I can see so far, is typical embrace and extend stuff. I may be jaded by their lack of full support in IE 5 for Web standards.

I will be buying Office 2000. I also see it as a good solution for many of the things my company wants to do in the future.

Someone in the session asked about a Mac OS version, and the answer was that they plan on releasing Office 2001 for the Macintosh. The file formats of the new Office are binary compatible with Office 97/98, but you sacrifice many of the coolest features in doing so. The new file format is well formed XML(that's at least what I was told at the session), and the HTML capabilites looked really good. They incorporated a lot of Web based functionality through Active X controls. For instance, someone can view a Powerpoint presentation you save this way over the Internet using IE 5.

Steve Ballmer talked about where they want to end up and how this release of Office is the first step in the directions they want to go. He talked about the changing face of the devices we use to access networked information, and how they were trying to create a perfect environment for the onscreen consumption of information. He also talked extensively about changing the way meetings work in the business world and how technology would make them more efficent and easier to hold without an actual physical meeting taking place.

I will relay my feelings on Office after I have used it.

Dan Gillmor's column today is insightful and I agree with it almost completely.

Dave Winer over at Scripting News went to the San Francisco launch event and wrote Office 2000 is Not Fun

Apple released the final version of Quicktime 4.0 today. Good stuff.

Is there no shortage of people on the Internet with too much free time , or is it just me?

Here's an attractive new Palm site .(Made with Cold Fusion too.)



Over the weekend, I cleaned and purged my house and office. It's always disgusting to me how much stuff I accumulate over the course of time. Things that I think will be useful someday rarely are.

I also watched some of the E! coverage of the Cannes Film Festival. They covered a lot of movies, but the one that intrigued me the most was The Blair Witch Project. Seems like a great idea for a really scary movie. It will be released in July.

I installed Red Hat 6.0 on my FireAnt laptop over the weekend. Linux is getting easier and easier to install and configure. With the exception of some work getting the video card to work properly with X Windows, I had no issues. It's also amazing how much more responsive and speedy it is than the Windows 98 system that I normally boot into.

I heard today that an article I wrote for a print magazine last fall will be re-published as a part of a college textbook. This will be the first time my writing makes it into something hardcover. I'll post more details as I find out how things are going to be set up.

Office 2000 is making it's premiere here in Atlanta at an event tommorrow. I will be sure to post my feedback on that here. I also am going to see Steve Ballmer speak tommorrow and will pass on my notes on that. The New York Times has a detailed story today about the changes Office 2000 brings.

I'm building Ad management into our sites this week. If you have any feedback for me on good solutions, please provide it here.

I know that I still haven't written here about my thoughts on Episode One . I have seen it twice now, and I would expect to get my feelings out soon.

I'm Back


Okay you can call off the search party. I'm here, I'm back.

I'm fine, and my computers were not eaten by Mac OS X Server or anything.

I spent Memorial Day weekend(or Memorius Day weekend according to my brothers dry cleaner.) at my parent's home in Connecticut. I went to the CD release party for my brother's band, attended my youngest brother's graduation from high school(congrats Dave), and hung out by the pool with my family.

Boy did I need the time off. Prior to that, I accidentally formatted a drive full of documents.(always always always backup) I learned that things like installing a second operating system should not be done on two hours sleep and that Direct X is not my friend. I have been working some crazy hours as we are moving our company to a new location at the end of this month and the network admin left three weeks ago.

Expect more regular updates for the rest of the summer.

The Beastie Boys are releasing songs online to benefit the victims in Kosovo.

Since I've been gone, the Palm VII has been released, and Sony has released their robotic puppy .

Have I mentioned that I really enjoy NeoPlanet ?

Mac OS X Server Arrives


My copy of Mac OS X Server arrived yesterday. Needless to say, I didn't do anything else last night. Here's an overview of my impressions:

There is very limited documentation that comes with the OS on CD, most of it had to do with installation and configuration. I installed it on my 9600/350 at home. Since this is an unsupported configuration, I had to bypass this part of the installer to get it to install. It, however, installed without issue.(I installed it on an external SCSI drive) After the lengthy install process(the machine reboots three times during the install), it booted without issue. It is very NeXtish, and those of you who have experience with that interface will find this one very easy to pick up. For the Mac User looking to learn it, it might be a bit intimidating at first. There are some of the Mac OS interface elements, but things don't work like a Mac OS machine.

The OS is very repsonsive. I played with it for quite a while on it's own. Getting Apache configured was very simple, and I had it serving Web pages for me within minutes. The OS doesn't currently support serial ports, so in order to get access to the Internet via a modem you have set another machine up as a router. The Mac OS app that is included comes with a basic 8.5.1 install, and seemed very stable and compatible. It felt as fast as running the Mac OS directly on the machine. I ran several applications(Frontier, Fireworks 2, BBEdit, and Netscape) and everything worked the way I expected it to.

The command line interface was exactly what you would expect from any UNIX operating system. I didn't go too crazy, but everything seemed to be where I expected it to be and to work the way I expected it to work.

Tonight, I will be setting it up as a file server and installing Samba so I can get my PC's to share with it. I also want to figure out how to telnet into it as the root account.

Here are some resources I referred to in my experimentation.

Stepwise has the highest quality information and current news that I found. I've been referring to this site since they first announced Rhapsody.

Apple's support site has good documentation and discussion boards that held the answers to many of my unanswered questions.

The MacOS Xclave has some news and current events stuff.

Mac OS X Tips and Tricks has solid information on the workings of the OS. I found the answers to two of my questions here.